Pengaruh Islamic Branding, Brand Image dan Product Ingredient Terhadap Keputusan Beli Produk Halal Network Indonesia (HNI)


  • Hamzah Abdurrahman Universitas Djuanda
  • Muhammad Amin Universitas Djuanda
  • Adi Rahmannur Ibnu Universitas Djuanda


brand image, buying decisions, Islamic branding, product ingredient


The aim of the study was to find out the effect of Islamic Branding, Brand Image and Product Ingredients on the decision to buy HNI products at (Business Center Gunung Putri study 2. The population in this study were consumers of the Gunung Putri 2 Business Center with a sample of 93 respondents Furthermore, to analyze the logistic regression analysis tecHNIque with the help of SPSS Software, the results showed that the Islamic Branding, Brand Image and Product Ingredients variables had a positive effect on product purchasing decision variables either partially or simultaneously. Islamic branding carried out by HNI is able to make consumers trust, because it already has a halal label and has a brand that is familiar with consumers. The brand image owned by HNI is also quite good because of a good reputation among the public and has an Islamic culture. Product Ingredients used by HNI are able to attract consumers' hearts because they use halal and good ingredients.


