Peran Pegadaian Syariah dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Berbasis Keuangan Islam


  • R Ali Pangestu Universitas Djuanda
  • Muhammad Daffa Ardiansyah Universitas Djuanda
  • Nursabila Agustin STIS Hidayatullah Balikpapan


Economy, Inclusive, Foundation, Institution, Sharia


Explore the role played by Islamic pawnshops in assisting an Islamic finance-based economy. Focusing on its contribution to financial inclusion, economic empowerment, and sustainable economic growth. This article also aims to provide an in-depth insight into how this Islamic financial institution is a driving force for sustainable and inclusive economic development. Through this analysis, it is hoped that readers can better understand how Islamic pawnshops play a role in strengthening the foundations of an Islamic finance-based economy and the challenges and opportunities it faces in a changing global context.


