Persepsi Suami Istri Terhadap Gaji Istri Sebagai Harta Bersama
gana-gini, harta bersama, nafkahAbstract
The research is motivated by differences in the perception of husband and wife in Pondong village, Kuaro sub-district on the wife's salary as joint property. The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of husband and wife in Pondong village, Kuaro sub-district on the wife's salary as joint property and how Islamic law reviews these perceptions. This type of research is field research (field research). Based on the results of this study, the researchers found that some of the husband and wife did not agree that the wife's salary was a joint property, on the grounds that not all of the wife's salary was included as joint property, because in order to prove that the husband is to provide for a living, earning a living is the husband's obligation not an obligation. together. Meanwhile, husband and wife agree on the grounds that as long as they are married they work together and manage their business, there is an agreement between husband and wife and joint property has been regulated in law. The conclusion of this study is that although joint property is not specifically mentioned in the Qur'an, in Indonesia it has become a custom for the community so that Islamic law has adopted the ushuliyah rule, which means "customs can become law". Then if the wife is willing and happy in helping her husband earn a living for his family, then he will get a double reward, namely the reward of staying in touch and giving charity.