Praktik Moliasako Dalam Pernikahan Adat Suku Tolaki Di Desa Ulukalo Kecamatan Iwoimendaa


  • Adelia Darmin STIS Hidayatullah Balikpapan
  • Sri Hartati STIS Hidayatullah


adat istiadat, cincin, kakak ipar


This research is motivated by the existence of the moliosako custom in marriage in the Tolaki
tribal community in Ulukalo Village, Iwoimendaa District. The prospective husband is obliged
to give a gold ring to the wife's older sister to be married. With the aim of a belief that the older
sister of a married woman can quickly find a soul mate in the future. This type of research is
qualitative research. When viewed from the place of research, this research includes field
research. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation
from informants. The results of the interviews were then analyzed using the provisions of the
Shari'a, then the data was in descriptive form, and conclusions were drawn. In the
implementation of the moliosako custom, it is carried out in the house, where each family of
the prospective wife and prospective husband gathers in the living room. After that, the
representative of the prospective husband gives the ring by placing it on the head of the wife's
sister and then slowly dropping it until it falls down after that the ring is taken and on the finger
of the bride's brother.According to Islamic law, the moliasako custom is included in the category
of 'Urf fasid, which is an adat that is damaged or rejected because there are deviations that
contain elements of doubling God. So that this marriage custom is unacceptable and does not
need to be maintained or implemented.


