Pendidikan Adab Sebagai Dasar Pendidikan Keluarga (Studi Tafsir Qs. Al-Tahrim [66]: 6)
ahklaqul karimah, rumah tangga, etikaAbstract
The survey shows that the immoral behavior of teenagers is quite high. Ethical education is an absolute thing to maintain the morale of the younger generation. Instilling etiquette and morals in the educational process is certainly not as easy as turning the palm of a human hand. The process of civilized education starts from the first educational institution for a child, namely family education first. According to the interpretation of the Ulama, Qs at-Tahrim explains that adab education is an obligation, especially education that leads to being a person of taqwa and a muroqobah spirit. Ulama explained that the concept of adab as the basis of family education, then education is an inevitable thing in human life. It is an obligation that applies throughout the life of a human attack. It is a border less commandment for anyone, since a human child is born and swings in a cradle until later it enters the grave.